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Basic Complex of Bird Avoidance Activities at Airports


According to Chapter 3.3. of the Instructions on the Ornithological Safety Provision of Flights for Civil Aviation-89, the plan of activities must be elaborated for the period from 1 to 3 years and include activities, adapted to the ecological and industrial conditions of the particular airport. The exact period of execution of every activity, names of the responsible and notes on the completion and completeness of the execution must be also included.

The plan of activities is based on the results of the registered bird strikes data analysis for the particular airport and recommendations, prepared in accordance with the systematized data of eco-ornithological examination.

1. Directions of the Bird Caused Danger Estimation

- development of a database of bird strikes and changes in the ornithological situation;

- systematical analysis of the database;

- identification of the remains of birds after strikes with aircrafts;

- execution of the eco-ornithological examination.

2. Directions of the Investigation and Data Keeping

- registration of all cases of bird strikes with aircrafts;

- investigation of the incidents and aircrashes involving birds;

- submission of reports on the incidents and aircrashes to the central aviation bodies.

3. Directions of the Ecological Improvements

- elimination of conditions attracting birds to the territory of airdrome: drainage of ponds and swamps, control over vegetation, disinfestations of the airfield, etc.;

- elimination of the nesting colonies as well as single nests;

- control over objects surrounding the airport in order to avoid appearance of sites attracting birds such as landfills, agricultural factories and warehouses, animal farms, etc.

4. Directions of Passive Airdrome Protection

- use of passive birds scaring devices, applying acoustic and optic effects;

- use of systems of mechanic protection such as nets, frame constructions, etc.;

- use of means allowing massive and individual catch of birds and releasing them on considerable distance from airdrome.

5. Directions of Operative Protection

- visual bird detection;

- bird detection by means of radar;

-transfer of information;

- use of active bird scaring means such as acoustic translations, gun shots, birds of prey, remote control models, laser devices, etc.;

- registration of ornithological situation;

- including information about ornithological conditions in pre-flight reports;

-temporary termination of flights.

6. Directions of Organizational Activities

- preparation and introduction of documents concerning provision of the ornithological safety (Instructions on the Ornithological Safety Provision or a special chapter in the Flight Rules, tenet on the creation of the Bird Control Group, job descriptions, etc.);

- elaboration of annual (or biennial) plan of ornithological safety provision activities (program of the wild control);

- establishment and work of the Airport Bird Strike Committee;

- production, selection and purchase and repair of the bird scaring devices and other technical equipment in use;

- periodic training sessions for the airport staff on the matter of the ornithological safety;

- optimization of incomes and expanses of the airport budget concerning needs of the ornithological safety provision;

- audit of ornithological provision of the airport and preparation of a written conclusion.

Addendum 3 to the Methodological Recommendations of the Ornithological Safety Provision of Flights, S.K. Ryzhov, AOG as a part of State Center Of Safety of Flights, 2007.

bioacoustic bird scaring equipment Universal-Acoustic for aerodromes


Aviation Ornithology Group - AOG, Moscow (926)205-78-66, birdstrike@mail.ru

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