Two Wings LLC is a highly specialized company performing protection of different purpose objects from birds.
Mytischi, Moscow, Russia, tel. +7-926-205-78-66, e-mail:,
Structural Directions of Our Work:
- rendering of bird preventing services, including the investigation of the object, preparation of the target recommendations and program documentations, monitoring of the object conditions, schedule and emergency visits of the object for practical actions;
- production, delivery and support of different bird scaring means and technical devices;
- development, testing and introduction of new bird scaring means, devices and methods;
- audit of the Client’s staff and the staff of companies rendering bird scaring services at the object.
Principles of Service Rendering:
- detailed analysis of the conditions;
- complex approach the realization of tasks;
- peak efficiency of measures;
- minimum damage to the wild;
- Client’s minimum expanses.
The Two Wings follows traditions and develops approaches, set and applied by the Aviational Ornithology Group in the framework of the aircraft bird strike prevention. High requirements for the flights safety provision define the level of efficiency and optimization of the measures our specialists apply and recommend. Approaches and measures are always adapted to the conditions of the object, whether it is of aviation or any other type.
Our specialists have the unprecedented for the Russian market experience of work in the field of 20 and 25 years.
Our work is tightly integrated with activities of
Two Wings LLC. High quality bird prevention services.
Two Wings LLC is the developed and supplier of the bioacoustic bird scaring equiopment Universal-Acoustic. Mytischi, Moscow, Russia, tel. +7-926-205-78-66, e-mail:,